LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein Products
(LIM Domain Binding 1 (LDB1))
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Featured LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein Categories
LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein Antibodies
High quality antibodies with extensive validation data.
LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein ELISA Kits
Reliable ELISA kits for a wide range of species.
LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein Proteins
Proteins for various applications incl. WB, ELISA, IF etc.
Recommended LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein Antibodies
- (7)
- (4)
- (3)
Recommended LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein ELISA Kits
- (1)
Recommended LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein Proteins
Latest Publications for our LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein products
: "Immunofluorescence and fluorescent-protein tagging show high correlation for protein localization in mammalian cells." in: Nature methods, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 315-23, (2013) (PubMed).: "The interactome of LIM domain proteins: the contributions of LIM domain proteins to heart failure and heart development." in: Proteomics, Vol. 12, Issue 2, pp. 203-25, (2012) (PubMed).
: "Regulation of estrogen-dependent transcription by the LIM cofactors CLIM and RLIM in breast cancer." in: Cancer research, Vol. 69, Issue 1, pp. 128-36, (2009) (PubMed).
: "Spliced isoforms of LIM-domain-binding protein (CLIM/NLI/Ldb) lacking the LIM-interaction domain." in: Journal of biochemistry, Vol. 140, Issue 1, pp. 105-19, (2006) (PubMed).
: "Identification of a TAL1 target gene reveals a positive role for the LIM domain-binding protein Ldb1 in erythroid gene expression and differentiation." in: Molecular and cellular biology, Vol. 23, Issue 21, pp. 7585-99, (2003) (PubMed).
: "Functional ablation of the mouse Ldb1 gene results in severe patterning defects during gastrulation." in: Development (Cambridge, England), Vol. 130, Issue 3, pp. 495-505, (2002) (PubMed).
: "Expression of LIM-domain binding protein (ldb) genes during zebrafish embryogenesis." in: Mechanisms of development, Vol. 71, Issue 1-2, pp. 197-200, (1998) (PubMed).
Synonyms and alternative names related to LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein
LIM domain binding 1 (Ldb1), LIM domain binding 1 (LDB1), LIM domain binding 1 L homeolog (ldb1.L), LIM-domain binding 1b (ldb1b), LIM domain binding protein 1 (xldb1), LIM domain binding 1a (ldb1a), chi, CLIM2, clim2, ldb1, LDB1, ldb4, ldb4b, NLI, nli, xldb1Protein level used designations for LIM Domain Binding 1 Protein
- CLIM-2
- LDB-1
- LIM domain-binding factor CLIM2
- LIM domain-binding protein 1
- carboxyl-terminal LIM domain-binding protein 2
- mLdb1
- nuclear LIM interactor
- LIM domain-binding factor-1
- carboxy terminal LIM domain protein 2
- hLdb1
- cLdb1
- neural Src-interacting protein
- neural src interacting protein
- LIM-domain binding factor 1
- LDB-1-A
- LDB-4
- LIM domain-binding protein 1-A
- LIM domain-binding protein 4
- LIM-domain binding factor 4
- LIM-domain binding factor 4b
- zLdb4