Cellular Assays
"Cellular Assays" or Cell-based Assays are essential tools for studying cellular mechanisms in live cells. Many cellular assays are configured for identifying or quantifying a specific response to an external stimulus (e.g. replication, division, or metabolic activity). Other assays measure cellular health (e.g. toxicity effects via necrosis or apoptosis markers) of cultured cells during or after treatment with various stimuli.
Cellular assays can provide in-depth knowledge about a particular group of cultured cells, giving insight into physiological state, and measuring factors or events like Apoptosis/Programmed Cell Death, Migration/Invasion, Proliferation, Adhesion, Transformation and many others.
Cellular assay kits are commonly used as an initial step in high-throughput drug screening experiments. In this context, they are widely valued for their rapid readout, low cost, simple workflow, and their ability to multiplex with other compatible assays to read multiple parameters simultaneously.
In this section you can find a wide range of non-radioactive, optimized cellular assays for visualisation and characterisation of cellular mechanisms. If you have any questions regarding our assay products, please contact our customer support via chat, phone or email.
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