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Benzo[a]pyrenediol Epoxide Antibodies

(Benzo[a]pyrenediol Epoxide (BPDE)) stands for high-quality research products. Search, find and order tools with extensive validation data, images, references. Our scientific customer service is always at your disposal if you have any questions about the selection or application of our products.

Recommended Benzo[a]pyrenediol Epoxide Antibodies

Latest Publications for our Benzo[a]pyrenediol Epoxide products

Santella, Gammon, Zhang, Motykiewicz, Young, Hayes, Terry, Schoenberg, Brinton, Bose, Teitelbaum, Hibshoosh: "Immunohistochemical analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in breast tumor tissue." in: Cancer letters, Vol. 154, Issue 2, pp. 143-9, (2000) (PubMed).

Mumford, Williams, Wilcosky, Everson, Young, Santella: "A sensitive color ELISA for detecting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in human tissues." in: Mutation research, Vol. 359, Issue 3, pp. 171-7, (1996) (PubMed).

Santella, Lin, Cleveland, Weinstein: "Monoclonal antibodies to DNA modified by a benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide." in: Carcinogenesis, Vol. 5, Issue 3, pp. 373-7, (1984) (PubMed).

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