The breast cancer early onset proteins BRCA1 and BRCA2 are central to the repair of DNA damage by homologous recombination and are strongly associated with inherited breast and ovarian cancer. The protein PALB2 is required for the localization of BRCA2 to sites of DNA damage and like BRCA1 and 2 is a breast cancer susceptibility gene. PALB2 is thought to function through directly binding to BRCA1, which allows the PALB2 protein to organize BRCA2 and the recombinase RAD51 at the site of DNA damage. Analysis of the BRCA1-PALB2-BRCA2-RAD51network may allow predictions to be made of the responsiveness of a particular tumor to therapeutic treatments. At least four isoforms of PALB2 are known to exist.Synonyms: FANCN, Partner and localizer of BRCA2