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Podoplanin antibody

PDPN Reactivity: Mouse WB, IP, IHC (p), IHC (fro) Host: Hamster Monoclonal 811 unconjugated
Catalog No. ABIN115147
  • Target See all Podoplanin (PDPN) Antibodies
    Podoplanin (PDPN)
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    This Podoplanin antibody is un-conjugated
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    Western Blotting (WB), Immunoprecipitation (IP), Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IHC (p)), Immunohistochemistry (Frozen Sections) (IHC (fro))
    This Syrian Hamster monoclonal antibody will detect the extracellular domain of Podoplanin on the surface of lymphatic endothelial cells and some epithelial cell types.
    No Cross-Reactivity
    Cross-Reactivity (Details)
    Species reactivity (tested):Mouse.
    Affinity Chromatography on Protein G
    Top Product
    Discover our top product PDPN Primary Antibody
  • Application Notes
    Immunoprecipitation (1/50). Immunohistochemistry on Frozen and Paraffin Embedded Sections (1/50-1/200). Western blotting (>/= 1/100). The antibody will detect a 36-40 kD band.
    Other applications not tested.
    Optimal dilutions are dependent on conditions and should be determined by the user.
    IMMUNOSTAINING ON FORMALIN FIXED PARAFFIN-EMBEDDED SECTIONS1. Deparaffinize through xylenes, ethanol , and hydrate to water. 2. 1% hydrogen peroxide in methanol , 30-40 min. , RT. 3. Wash 2x, dd water, wash in Tris buffer, pH 7. 2, 5 min. each. 4. Proteinase K in 0. 2M Tris, buffer, pH 7. 2, 37°C, 36 µg/ml, 30 min. 5. Wash 3x, 5 min each: Tris buffer, pH 7. 2, dd sterile water, TNT wash buffer. 6. Block in TNB blocking buffer, 30 min. RT. 7. Primary antibody: Hamster anti-mouse Podoplanin antibody 5-10 µg/ml in TNB buffer,overnight, 4°C. 8. Rinse in TNT wash buffer, 3x, 5 min. 9. Incubate with rabbit anti-syrian hamster IgG HRP conjugated, 1: 100 in TNB buffer, 30min. RT. Wash 3x. 10. Biotinylated-tyramide in amplification diluent, 1: 50 , 7 minutes, RT Wash 3x. 11. Incubate in SA-HRP , 1: 100 in TNB, 30 min, RT. Wash 3x. 12. DAB13. Counter stain
    For Research Use only
  • Concentration
    0.5 mg/mL
    Handling Advice
    Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
    -20 °C
    Storage Comment
    Store the antibody undiluted (in aliquots) at -20 °C. Should this product contain a precipitate we recommend microcentrifugation before use.
  • Katayose, Iwata, Oyaizu, Hosono, Yamada, Dang, Hatano, Tanaka, Ohnuma, Morimoto: "The role of Cas-L/NEDD9 as a regulator of collagen-induced arthritis in a murine model." in: Biochemical and biophysical research communications, Vol. 460, Issue 4, pp. 1069-75, (2015) (PubMed).

    Nakao, Zandi, Faez, Kohno, Hafezi-Moghadam: "Discontinuous LYVE-1 expression in corneal limbal lymphatics: dual function as microvalves and immunological hot spots." in: FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Vol. 26, Issue 2, pp. 808-17, (2012) (PubMed).

    Noda, Amano, Hata, Kojima, Sawa: "Immunohistochemical examination on the distribution of cells expressed lymphatic endothelial marker podoplanin and LYVE-1 in the mouse tongue tissue." in: Acta histochemica et cytochemica, Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 61-8, (2010) (PubMed).

    Uhrin, Zaujec, Breuss, Olcaydu, Chrenek, Stockinger, Fuertbauer, Moser, Haiko, Fässler, Alitalo, Binder, Kerjaschki: "Novel function for blood platelets and podoplanin in developmental separation of blood and lymphatic circulation." in: Blood, Vol. 115, Issue 19, pp. 3997-4005, (2010) (PubMed).

    Fonseca, Freund, Bornhäuser, Corbeil: "Polarization and migration of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells rely on the RhoA/ROCK I pathway and an active reorganization of the microtubule network." in: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 285, Issue 41, pp. 31661-71, (2010) (PubMed).

    Gräbner, Lötzer, Döpping, Hildner, Radke, Beer, Spanbroek, Lippert, Reardon, Getz, Fu, Hehlgans, Mebius, van der Wall, Kruspe, Englert, Lovas, Hu, Randolph, Weih, Habenicht: "Lymphotoxin beta receptor signaling promotes tertiary lymphoid organogenesis in the aorta adventitia of aged ApoE-/- mice." in: The Journal of experimental medicine, Vol. 206, Issue 1, pp. 233-48, (2009) (PubMed).

    Davids, Davids, Charlton, Ng, Chong, Laubscher, Dar, Hodge, Soong, Goh: "Response to a novel multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor pazopanib in metastatic Merkel cell carcinoma." in: Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Vol. 27, Issue 26, pp. e97-100, (2009) (PubMed).

    Gohda, Kunisawa, Miura, Kagiyama, Kurashima, Higuchi, Ishikawa, Ogahara, Kiyono: "Sphingosine 1-phosphate regulates the egress of IgA plasmablasts from Peyer's patches for intestinal IgA responses." in: Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), Vol. 180, Issue 8, pp. 5335-43, (2008) (PubMed).

  • Target
    Podoplanin (PDPN)
    Alternative Name
    Podoplanin (PDPN Products)
    PDPN antibody, AGGRUS antibody, GP36 antibody, GP40 antibody, Gp38 antibody, HT1A-1 antibody, OTS8 antibody, PA2.26 antibody, T1A antibody, T1A-2 antibody, OTS-8 antibody, RANDAM-2 antibody, T1-alpha antibody, T1a antibody, T1alpha antibody, E11 antibody, RTI40 antibody, podoplanin antibody, PDPN antibody, Pdpn antibody
    Podoplanin is a well-recognized lymphatic endothelium marker, which can be used to reliably distinguish lymphatic vessels from blood vessels. Podoplanin is a Mr 38,000 membrane mucoprotein that was originally detected on the surface of rat glomerular epithelial cells (podocytes) and was found to be linked to flattening of foot processes that occurs in glomerular diseases. Podoplanin shows features of a membrane mucoprotein with several conserved O-glycosylation sites. Currently, it is of unknown biological function. Because heavily O-glycosylated mucoproteins were identified recently as counterreceptors for selectins that mediate adhesion of inflammatory cells, it is possible that podoplanin plays a similar role in lymphatic endothelia.Synonyms: Aggrus, GP36, Glycoprotein 36, PA2.26 antigen, PDPN, PSEC0003, PSEC0025, T1-alpha
    Gene ID
    NCBI Accession
    Dicarboxylic Acid Transport
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