Recognizes numerous proteins in a soluble C. albicans extract (IEP). This antiserum has not been absorbed and does cross-react with other yeasts. Negative against human serum, urine and spinal fluid.
Rabbit anti Candida albicans, Rabbit antibody to Candida albicans Horseradish Peroxidase conjugated
IgG fraction covalently coupled to a highly purified preparation of horseradish peroxidase (RZ > 3). Care is taken to ensure adequate conjugation while preserving maximum enzyme activity. Free enzyme is absent. The estimated molar HRP: IgG substitution is 2-3.
Suitable for ELISA, immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry, double-diffusion and CIE. Each laboratory should determine an optimum working titer for use in its particular application. Other applications have not been tested but use in such assays should not necessarily be excluded.